Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator

Image credit: ABC Media
Let me ask a question. I have just done a speed think through the books that I’ve read and the series that I know and it has occurred to me that there are a lot less sequels in literature than there are in, say, cinema. Yes you can argue that any second book in a series is a sequel, but it occurs to me that there are so few that are mere single sequels as opposed to another step in an ongoing journey. Can you think of any?
The reason my brain is on this train of thought is because I have just finished reading –for the first time ever- Roald Dahl’s sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator.

And a direct sequel it is too! The book begins right where the last one left off and chronicles the adventure of young Charlie and Willy Wonka along with Mr. and Mrs. Bucket, Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George, and Grandma Georgina back to Charlie’s newly acquired Chocolate Factory. Along the way, they make a slight detour to outer space and from there it’s one thrilling adventure after another.

Image credit: Getty Images
In comparison to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, this is the story where Dahl indulged in sharper wit and it’s a book that is more obviously for adults and children. While Chocolate Factory had some darker moments not for kiddies, it is primarily a children’s book, whereas Great Glass Elevator with its subtle humour and delightfully grand puns ground up with simplistic logic proves to still be a tale that both kids and grownups can enjoy. The story retains the child-friendly, adventure vibe of its predecessor, but at the same time has a slightly more grownup tone about it and there are many jokes within that will fly over the heads of the younglings –there is even a scene reminiscent of Dr. Strangelove that might tickle the fancy of some people.
I honestly can’t believe I skipped out on reading this as a child; it’s fun, clever, and really quite exciting!

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator was written by Road Dahl and first published by Allen & Unwin in 1973.

P.S. Leave me a comment if you can think of other 'single' sequels!

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